시간(KST) | 세부내용 | 연사 | ||
한-인니 해양플랜트 서비스산업 협력 MOU 체결식 | ||||
13:00~14:00(60’) | - 한국 해양수산부 및 인도네시아 해양투자조정부 MOU 체결식 - 기업 MOU 체결식 |
세션 1 LNG 재기화 공공 기반시설 | ||||
14:00~14:15(15') | LNG연료 전환에 따른 안정적인 전력수급 계획 | 인니에너지광물자원부 (ESDM) |
Tutuka Ariadji
![]() Tutuka Ariadji
14:15~14:30(15') | The opportunity for fuel conversion in Southeast Asia | Wood Mackenzie |
Ms. Asti Nuraini Asra
![]() Ms. Asti Nuraini Asra
Asti’s primary focus is building the market analysis for the Southeast Asia countries, building on sub-national demand/supply forecasts, contracting and infrastructure trends combined with regulatory framework and regional market trends. She builds commercial insight for the region, and its impact in shaping the global LNG market. She helps businesses and clients navigate and identify key risks and opportunities in this emerging and dynamic region.
Asti joined Wood Mackenzie in 2019 after 10 years with ExxonMobil, where she was the Head of LNG Market Development. During her time with ExxonMobil, she has worked across the commercial value chain for both LNG and pipeline gas, covering operations, business analysis, contract development and negotiations. Asti holds an MSc from University of Warwick and M Int. from University of Queensland. |
14:30~14:45(15') | LNG-to-Power 분야의 도전과 기회 | 인니 국영전력사(PLN) |
A. Daryanto Ariyadi
![]() A. Daryanto Ariyadi
14:45~15:00(15') | 백령도 소형 LNG 위성기지 의미와 전망 | 한국가스공사 |
![]() 김기동
Mr. Kim Ki Dong is currently a principal researcher at KOGAS Research Institute. He has worked for natural gas utilization, DME(Di-methyl ether) and R & D planning project in KOGAS. He was to develop natural gas vehicle and refuelling station system for vehicle (mainly CNG bus) and also done study on gas sensor and fuel cell for power generation. Currently his major R & D tasks are to study LNG bunkering for LNG fuelled ship/island and to develop biomethane as renewable gaseous fuel from organic wastes. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from University of Hanyang at Seoul in 1992 and his master’s degree in
chemical engineering from POSTECH, Pohang University of Science and Technology, where his research is focused on environmental catalyst for air pollution in 1994. |
15:00~15:15(15') | 인니 산발적 입지 조건에 따른 재기화설비 개발 도전 과제 | 인니국영가스공사 (PGN) |
Muhamad Haryo Yunianto
![]() Muhamad Haryo Yunianto
15:15~15:30(15') | Modular Gas to Power Solution | Gas Entec |
Mr. Kwak Chong-ho
![]() Mr. Kwak Chong-ho
. 2013~Present : CEO at GAS Entec
. 2003 ~ 2012 : CEO and President at GMB Inc. . 1994 ~ 2003 : Team Manager of Machinery Design Team at DSME . 1987 ~ 1994 : 1st Engineer, LNGC New Building Supervisor, SK Shipping |
15:30~15:45(15’) | Q&A | |||
세션 2 해양플랜트 해체 및 재활용방안 | ||||
15:45~16:00(15') | 인도네시아 내 630기 해양플랜트 해체 로드맵 | 인니 업스트림 석유가스총국(SKK Migas) |
Ardiansyah -
![]() Ardiansyah -
16:00~16:15(15') | Decommissioning 3 platforms in Attaka Field and Reutilization to Fishing Reef | KHAN |
Mr. Choi Jae-Hoon
![]() Mr. Choi Jae-Hoon
Choi joined to Khan at 2006 when the company was established. With the background of mechanical system and control system, he had worked field engineering and PM jobs for offshore project in Korea, especially related to rectification and upgrade of offshore unit -Drilling Rig, Platform, and FPSO.
Now he develops the offshore business in new challenging circumstance and Offshore Hookup & Commissioning, Installation, Pipe laying and Decommissioning are his focused areas. |
16:15~16:30(15') | Rig to Fish Farm in The Framework of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance | Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia |
Dr. I Nyoman Radiarta
![]() Dr. I Nyoman Radiarta
Date of birth : April 2, 1972 Nationality : Indonesia Marital status : Married EDUCATION - Ph.D in Fisheries Sciences (March 2009), Hokkaido University, Japan. - M.Sc in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (August 2002), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok. - B.Sc in Fisheries Science (January 1995), Bogor Agriculture University (IPB), Indonesia. EMPLOYMENT - Director of Marine Research Center. [September 2020 - present] - Director of Institute for Marine Research and Observation (IMRO). [July 2016 – September 2020] - FAO National Consultant the project entitled “ TCP/INS/3501Baby03: Integrated Economic Zone Development based on Blue Economy in Lombok Island for Carrying Capacity (CC) and Spatial Planning on Aquaculture Development Zone in Lombok. [March- December 2015] - Senior research scientist at Center for Fisheries Research and Development, Agency for Marine Affair and Fisheries Research and Development, Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries. [2015-Juli 2016] - Senior research scientist at Center for Aquaculture Research and Development, Agency for Marine Affair and Fisheries Research and Development, Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries. [1995-2015] - Visiting researcher at Laboratory of Marine Bioresources and Environment Sensing, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan. [October 2011] - Post-doctoral fellow at Laboratory of Marine Bioresources and Environment Sensing, Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan. Research topic: Spatial modeling of Japanese scallop and kelp (Laminaria japonica) aquaculture in Hokkaido. [Sep. 2010- March 2011] - Post-doctoral fellow at Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan. Research topic: Spatial modeling of Japanese scallop and kelp (Laminaria japonica) aquaculture in Hokkaido. [August 2009-Feb. 2010] - Consultant on GIS database systems at ACIL & AusAID Indonesia. Project on Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project (COREMAP). [2003 – 2004] - Consultant on GIS database at Asian Development Bank & Australian Marine Science & Technology Ltd (AMSAT) Indonesia- COREMAP. [1999 - 2000 ] PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES - Indonesian Scientist Association (HIMPENINDO: Himpunan Peneliti Indonesia) - GISFish– FAO’s Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service (FIMA) - Ocean Expert-Directory of marine and freshwater professionals AWARDS/GRANTS - Travel grant from IOCCG to attend SAFARI symposium on remote sensing and fisheries, 15-17 February 2010. Kochi, India. - The best presentation award from North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) during International Annual Meeting in Jeju, Korea from 23 October – 1 November 2009. - Monbukagakusho scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan to pursue doctoral course at Hokkaido University from 2005-2009. - Research grant for project on delineation of coral reef habitat using remotely sensed data and GIS in Indonesia from Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management (ITCZM)-Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Australian Marine Science and Technology (AMSAT)-Indonesia, 2002. - PAATP scholarship from Asian Development Bank (ADB Loan No. 1526-INO) to pursue Master course at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand, 2001-2002. MAJOR PUBLICATION International journals - W.E. Rintaka, A.W. Hastuti, E. Susilo and N. Radiarta. 2019. The Used of Storet Index to Assess Water Quality in Perancak Estuary, Bali, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 246 (1). doi:10.1088/1755-1315/246/1/012012 - N. Setyawidati, P. O. Liabot, T. Perrot, N. Radiarta, E. Deslandes, N. Bourgougnon,N. Rossi,V. Stiger-Pouvreau. 2017. In situ variability of carrageenan content and biomass in the cultivated red macroalga Kappaphycus alvarezii with an estimation of its carrageenan stock at the scale of the Malasoro Bay (Indonesia) using satellite image processing. J Appl Phycol. DOI 10.1007/s10811-017-1200-9. International symposiums/conferences - Radiarta, IN & Wibawa, T.A. 2020. Spatial distribution of fishing vessel by using radar Sentinel 1A/1B in Indonesian Waters. 3rd Human Resource Development and Space Data Utilization for Disaster. Denpasar. 09 January 2020 (guest speaker) - Radiarta, I N. 2019. Operational BARATA to Support Maritime Surveillance in Indonesia. International Conference on Sustainability Science and Management; Bali, Indonesia, 14-15 November 2019. (Invited Speaker) Books - Mayerle, R., Sugama K., Runte, K-H., Radiarta, N., Vallejo, S.M. 2017. Spatial planning of marine finfish aquaculture facilities in Indonesia. In Aquaculture zoning, site selection and area management under the ecosystem approach to aquaculture. Full document (Editor: Aguilar-Manjarrez, J., Soto, D., Brummett, R.). Report ACS113536. Rome, FAO, and World Bank Group, Washington, DC. 222-252 pp. - Purnomo, A.H., Radiarta, I N., Zamroni, A., Arifin, T.,Basmal, J., Sumiono, B.,Manurung, D., Nurdiansah,L. 2015. Optimalization of IPTEK for marine and fisheries to support blue economy development in Lombok Island. Badan Penelitian dan Pegembangan Kelautan da Perikanan, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. 154 p. (in Indonesia). National journal publications - Mustafa, A., Tarunamulia, Hasnawi, Radiarta, I N. (2018). Waters suitability evaluation for floating net cage mariculture in Maluku Tenggara Barat District, Maluku Province. Jurnal Riset Akuakultur, 13 (3): 277-287. (In Indonesia with English abstract) - Triyulianti, I., Radiarta, I N., Yunanto, A., Pradistya, N.A., Islamy, F., Putri, M.R. (2018). Sistem karbon laut di perairan laut Maluku dan laut Sulawesi. Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2 (3): 192-207. (In Indonesia with English abstract) |
16:30~16:45(15') | Seeking the Optimum Decommissioning Option: Comparative Assessment in ONWJ | PHE ONWJ |
Mr. Achmad Agus Miftakhurrohman
![]() Mr. Achmad Agus Miftakhurrohman
16:45~17:00(15') | 최신 다이아몬드 와이어 절단 장비개발 기술과 테스트 소개 | 삼인엠티에스 |
![]() 오용근
17:00~17:15(15’) | Q&A | |||
세션 3 LNG 물류 및 운반산업 | ||||
17:15~17:30(15') | Opportunities and Challenges in LNG logistics | DPP INSA |
Mr. Pieters A. Utomo
![]() Mr. Pieters A. Utomo
Born in Jakarta in 1987. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Business Administration at University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States in 2009. He was appointed as a Director of PT Soechi Lines Tbk in 2013 based on Deed No. 122 on August 30, 2013.
In addition, he also serves as President Director of PT Sukses Maritime Line (2013-present), Commissioner of PT Armada Maritime Offshore (2011-present), President Commissioner of PT Utama Raya Abadi (2009-present), President Commissioner of PT Rezeki Sumber Gas (2008- present), President Commissioner of PT Putra Utama Line (2006- present), and Commissioner of PT Inti Energi Line (2006-present). |
17:30~17:45(15') | LNG FSRU 개조 기술 및 스마트 쉽 | 현대글로벌서비스 |
![]() 하홍인
Work Experience
1. October 2009 ~ December 2010 : Production Planning Assistant Manager / Shipbuilding 2. January 2011 ~ December 2013 : Project Manager / Shipbuilding 3. January 2014 ~ December 2017 : Offshore Subsea Manager (FSO Project) / Shipbuilding 4. January 2018 ~ September 2018 : A/S Manager / Shipbuilding 5. October 2018 ~ Present : Green Engineering Sales Manager / Retrofitting |
17:45~18:00(15') | LNG 선복량 증가에 따른 LNG 벙커링 수요 | 퍼타미나 인터내셔널 시핑 |
Mr. Wisnu Medan Santoso
![]() Mr. Wisnu Medan Santoso
Wisnu M. Santoso,CFA
Contact : Wisnu.Santoso@pertamina.com Current Position : Director of Business Planning PT Pertamina International Shipping EDUCATIONS: 1. MSc in Petroleum Economic & Management, Colorado School of Mines and IFP School, 2014 2. BS in Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, 2002 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES: 1. VP Corporate Business & Initiative Management, PT Pertamina (Persero), 2019-2020 2. Corporate Head Business Structuring, PT Pertamina (Persero), 2017-2019 3. Senior Analyst Upstream Strategic Planning, PT Pertamina (Persero), 2016-2017 4. Summer Research Fellow, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 2016 5. Senior Analyst Economic & Industry Analysis, PT Pertamina (Persero), 2015-2016 6. Senior Analyst Fuel Strategic Planning, PT Pertamina (Persero), 2010-2013 7. Assistant Manager Long Term Planning, PT Pertamina (Persero), 2008-2010 8. Strategy & Performance Group, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., 2007-2008 9. Commercial Banking Group, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., 2005-2007 10 Regional Network Group – Branch Pontianak, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., 2003-2005 11. Officer Development Program, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., 2002-2003 CERTIFICATES: Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA Institute SPEAKERS & PUBLICATIONS: 1. 12th Annual Asian Downstream Summit, Singapore 2019 2. Refining & Petrochemical World, Bali 2018 3. 7th Annual LNG Forum, Bali 2017 4. Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Workshop, Kuala Lumpur 2017 5. “A statistical approach for a fuel subsidy mechanism”, Energy Policy Journal, 2018 vol. issue C, 666-673 |
18:00~18:15(15') | LNG 화물창 멤브레인 KC 소개 | 케이씨엘엔지테크 |
![]() 박재홍
Jay Park (Jaehong Park)
Age: Born 1970 Nationality: Korean Career: Jay Park is the head of business development at KC LNG Tech from 2020. Before that, he served as offshore business development manager for 25 years at Samsung Heavy Industries. In this period, he managed a number of offshore and marine projects including FLNG, FSRU, FPSO project etc. He joined Samsung in 1992, after graduating MSc degree in Industrial Engineering from Kyunghee University, South Korea. |
18:15-18:30(15’) | Q&A | |||
18:30-18:45(15’) | Closing |